Conflict Coaching is a process whereby a coach assists an individual/s in conflict in developing tools and exploring ideas in order to feel comfortable and confident in tackling their own conflict or dispute.
Conflict Coaching is a specialized process that combines coaching with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) skills – (ADR can typically cover Early Neutral Evaluation, Negotiation, Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration in a process to find a mutually acceptable compromise outside a court imposed settlement)... A basic definition of conflict coaching is:
A one-on-one alliance to develop an individual’s skills between an experienced Conflict Resolution Coach and a person who wants to:
Using a structured model allied to a personal approach, coaches work in harmony with individuals to help them identify and work toward their conflict management goals. Conflict coaching is a voluntary and confidential process that is task and results oriented. There are a number of associated applications of this dispute resolution and Coaching speciality, one of them being conflict management coaching. Contact Re:Solve Mediation Services in South Surrey today for Conflict Coaching, serving Vancouver and BC.
Conflict management coaching is personal training; a way to better understand conflict and how to effectively manage it in everyday life. Conflict management coaching is a valuable tool for personal and professional conflicts. Conflict Resolution and Mediation is our profession and our passion.
Effective conflict management IS effective communication. As Communication and Conflict Management Specialists, Re:Solve Mediation in South Surrey & Vancouver can assist you in improving both.
We are dedicated to providing Conflict Coaching services to individuals and organizations, Human Resources departments and personnel, integrating coaching with other dispute resolution and human development services.
Conflict Coaching is an Essential Part of a Constructive Conflict Culture. Conflict coaching is included in Government and private corporation’s designs of alternative dispute resolution programs that are proven to enhance constructive conflict cultures in the workplace.
Leadership Development requires Conflict Competence. MBA programs, leadership development training, and leadership academies emphasize how critical it is for leaders to manage conflict effectively for themselves and others. Conflict coaching is a growing area of competence that highly promotable leaders are expected to master.
Conflict coaching helps problem employees become productive employees. Conflict coaching can break the "revolving door" of problem employees by building skills and understandings that prevent them from repeating the same destructive patterns by developing the proven personal strategies to be adopted.
Serious conflicts can cost organizations serious money and disrupt the organizational and client climate. Effective early intervention in the form of conflict coaching can stop the financial and human cost produced by conflict before it arises.
There is no stopping conflict but its impact can be minimized and its upside can be maximized. In a complex service economy where innovation, diversity, teamwork, and speed matter, managing conflict effectively should be a basic business practice. Contact Re:Solve Mediation Services in South Surrey today for Conflict Coaching, serving Vancouver and BC.
The role of a conflict coach varies of course, depending on the circumstances and client’s objectives – though a behavioural approach has been found helpful. For instance, one of the functions of a conflict or mediation coach in preparing a party for a conflict situation is to help the client anticipate possible reactions from the other participant and to engage him or her in pre-formulating effective ways to respond to anticipated counter arguments. Coaches can act as “the other side” and provide feedback that helps the person in his/her efforts to respond to a challenging interaction in a “practice” scenario – before facing the opposing party under the more stressful circumstances of a face to face meeting.
Experiential exercises of this nature help the individual to effectively conduct themselves within conflict situations and beyond the process itself. That is, this process further helps the person to learn how to more effectively participate in constructive conflict conversations and gain insights and skills that extend beyond the specific dispute. Commonly, conflict coaching also occurs after the conflict situation, to assist a participant with any adverse impact and to ensure the experience results in sustainable learning – turning potential negatives into a positive outcome.
The role of coaching a party to a mediation may also extend beyond the behind-the-scenes function, to actually sitting at the table. This then crosses over into more of a Facilitator role – something Re:Solve Mediation offers in the Vancouver area.
Conflict management coaching is used primarily in the organizational context. However, conflict resolution Coaching also helps anyone who needs to enhance their competency in conflict management and engage effectively on a one-on-one basis with another person. Business partners and associates, life partners, family members and others are potential participants, as are lawyers, union representatives and others who interact as “agents” in mediation and want to enhance their skills, their competence and their confidence.
Conflict management coaching is a dispute resolution mechanism that assists people on a personal basis to improve their ability to participate effectively in conflict conversation. This process helps people to learn more about themselves and how to deal with conflict effectively, enabling them to shift their conflict conduct in a dispute, as well as other situations that arise.
As conflict coaching continues to develop within the dispute resolution and coaching fields, the likelihood is that a range of concepts will be creatively applied in various contexts including specifically Conflict Coaching. It is probable, that a more formalized structure and related body of work, practices and procedures will develop on a one-on-one basis and within a conflict Coaching context.
Customized training and coaching can be tailored for your needs. We can customize our coaching and training to your unique character, competencies, and context. We can give you powerful perspectives to consider when it comes to understanding your situation and taking action with others in the future.
Conflict Coaching can provide tremendous value. Dealing with destructive conflict early on or, better yet, proactively, has the capacity to enhance productivity.
Working with us is easy. Part of the appeal of conflict management coaching is the efficiency with which it can be scheduled. In addition, clients love the individual focus. All of our services relating to coaching, training, and consulting are straightforward and results-focused. Contact Re:Solve Mediation Services in South Surrey today for Mediation Coaching, serving Vancouver and BC.